CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine

Product Details

The Expertise of the CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

MEK’s latest acquisition is the state-of-the-art CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Machine, which has completely revolutionized the manner in which a range of metal sheets – cold roll metal sheets, hot roll metal sheets, galvanized, copper and stainless-steel metal sheets—are cut.

Having the penetration power of cutting up to a thickness of 8 mm metal sheets, the Fiber Laser Cutting Machine has made the cutting and etching process on metal very quick and efficient. The process now includes designing and programming on a computer. The Fiber Laser Cutting Machine simply executes the cutting, shaping and design of the metal sheet with a remarkable increase in speed, improvement in quality and enhancement of precision.

The CNC Fiber Laser Cutter is merely one of the many machines which will lead MEK to a fully computerized manufacturing process for all its products, opening up avenues to a whole new range of products including metal roof facades, customized doors, architectural facades, building exteriors, and artistic items fashioned from metal.

